Greetings Danville Families, Our teachers and staff had a gingerbread house competition afterschool yesterday (check our Facebook page for pictures of the gingerbread houses) and we need you and your students' help in determining the winner! We will decide the winner by doing a Penny War vote for the favorite. The rules for the Penny War are in the flyer that is attached to this email. The winning gingerbread house staff team will then be able to take all the money raised through the penny war and donate it to a charity of their choice. As the holiday season approaches we wanted our district to give back and thought this would be a fun way to do so. Take a look at the gingerbread houses and send in your votes between now and Tuesday, December 20th. Thank you for your help and support! Pat Wallace, Superintendent #WeAreDanville #BearNation
about 2 years ago, Alice McLeland
Gingerbread House Competition
The girls JH basketball games on Thursday December 15 will be played At HARMONY HS vs Van Buren starting at 4:30pm.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
The HS Basketball games this SATURDAY 12/17 will be played in the LM HS GYM at the following times JVG starting at 2pm followed by JVB followed by VG followed by VB.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
The junior varsity Girls and Boys games on Monday 12/12 are cancelled for tonight vs Van Buren. The Varsity girls and Varsity boys will host Van Buren Tuesday 12/13.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
JVG/JVB Basketball games tonight 12/12 with VB are cancelled.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
The Danville Elementary Holiday concerts scheduled for Sunday, December 11th are postponed. Unfortunately, our elementary music director is ill with influenza and unable to attend on Sunday. With the health and safety of Mrs. Huebner, our students, and our Danville families in mind, the concert will be held at a later date. The last thing we want to do is expose anyone to any illnesses right before the holidays. The administration and music department are working to find a date after the Winter Break to reschedule our concerts. The district will communicate that date as soon as it is finalized. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
about 2 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
Here is today's Bear Necessities Video Vlog. Check out what these 6th grade students from Ms. McLaughlin's class have been working on in Science class! #wearedanville #bearnation
about 2 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
The JH Girls Basketball Game vs VB on Thursday Dec 15 will be played at Harmony HS NOT Van Buren.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Good morning,  Due to deteriorating road conditions with heavy fog and a National Weather Service Dense Fog Advisory in effect, the Danville Community School District will be on a two hour delayed start today. We will keep the normal dismissal time for Wednesdays.   Thank you and stay safe,  Pat Wallace Superintendent Danville Community School District
about 2 years ago, Patrick Wallace
Danville Logo
Elementary Christmas Concert Sunday, Dec. 11 grades k-1 - 1:30 grades 2-3 - 2:15 grades 4,5,6 - 3:00
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
The JHG basketball games scheduled for 12/12 at ND has been moved to 12/6 with a 5pm start time per ND request.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Here is today's Bear Necessities Video Vlog. Check out what these first graders from Mrs. Holsteen's class have to say about their Gingerbread House Day! #wearedanville #bearnation
about 2 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
The JVG 4:30/VG 6PM/VB 7PM The HS Basketball Games on Friday Dec2 at Mediapolis will be live streamed on the Mediapolis activities Youtube page.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
The JH Girls basketball game that was scheduled on 12/12 at ND with a start time of 5pm has been moved to Tuesday 12/6.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
We had a fantastic turnout at this morning's Breakfast with a Buddy event sponsored by the Danville PVO. We would like to thank the PVO members, our cafeteria staff, and our custodial crew for their hard work in making this event possible. It was fabulous to have guests in our building once again. We are looking forward to the next one! #wearedanville #bearnation
about 2 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
Breakfast with a Buddy
Breakfast with a Buddy
Breakfast with a Buddy
Breakfast with a Buddy
We are looking forward to our Breakfast with a Buddy event tomorrow morning. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m. We have special guidelines for parking and entry into the building for those that will be attending. Please park behind the bus barn in the baseball/softball parking lot. We ask that you do not block the bus barn doors as our buses need to get out for our daily pick up. All guests can enter through either the Elementary entrance between the Elementary and the Daycare or the Junior High entrance (door #3 on the circle drive). The breakfast will take place in the Junior High gym. Due to bus arrival, no cars will be allowed in the circle drive. We ask that you do not park in the elementary parking lot or in front of the bus barn, as this is reserved for elementary staff. We are excited to see you at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning! #wearedanville #bearnation
about 2 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
Special Announcement
The Booster Club is excited to partner with Michelle Svoboda to offer a new online custom Bears apparel and gear store, made right in Danville. The store will be open continuously but to receive items before Christmas, they must be ordered by Dec. 2nd. *Elementary parents, this is the same as flyer that came home with the kids today
about 2 years ago, Lucas Gourley
JH/HS FCS Classes created their very own Apple, Cherry or Pumpkin pie to take to Thanksgiving Dinner (although a few students pies didn't make it home since they say say they ate the entire thing themselves!)
about 2 years ago, Bobbie Anderson
Tonights 11/21/22 JH Girls BASKETBALL games at Central Lee will be played in the new HS Gym.
about 2 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Here is today's Bear Necessities Video Vlog. These Kindergarten students were EXCITED for Turkey Gravy Day at Danville CSD! #wearedanville #bearnation
about 2 years ago, Jaci Thornburg